Own Data Center or Cloud?

Networking We are well aware of how difficult this question is. There has been a long dispute in the IT industry between supporters of physical servers and fans of virtualization in maintaining their infrastructure in the cloud. Own server room certainly means many benefits, such as quick access to data, guarantee of their safety, full control, and the possibility of any equipment configuration. But are you sure?

Our many years of experience show that our own server room brings as many benefits as losses. Own equipment is associated with huge maintenance costs. Electricity, air conditioning, computer components - all these generate very high fixed fees, which over time make everyone ask themselves the above question.

Infrastructure as a Code Migrating to the cloud is a natural step in any own business. The payment model offered in this respect only for the actually used resources makes it extremely attractive. We also understand that migrating all services is often impossible, but even moving a part of the infrastructure to the cloud gives every company tangible benefits.

As long-term specialists in cloud services, we offer both migration consulting and comprehensive implementation of such a process. We help with the right technologies based on both efficiency and the lowest maintenance costs.